Thursday, 21 May 2009

Small grants for Philosophical and Religious Studies

The Subject Centre for Philosophical and Religious Studies are inviting proposals for their latest round of project funding.

Applications are welcomed for the funding of projects designed to:
  • encourage a culture in which innovative developments in learning, teaching and assessment are valued and acknowledged at a national level;
  • promote good practice in the development and evaluation of innovative methods of learning, teaching and assessment;
  • disseminate within the wider community innovative methods or materials originally developed for use within a single institution.
in subject disciplines the Subject Centre covers:
  • Philosophy
  • Religious Studies
  • Theology
  • History of Science, Technology and Medicine
  • Philosophy of Science
The Subject Centre for Philosophical and Religious Studies is setting aside £15,000 for projects in this tranche; the maximum funding for any single proposal will be £3,000.

Additional funding may be available for major collaborative initiatives - contact the Subject Centre for details. Support is also available for those who would like to submit a proposal.

To find out more: Application deadline: 12 noon, Friday 26 June 2009

Edited from email from Dr. Clare Saunders, Senior Academic Co-ordinator (Philosophy), Subject Centre for Philosophical and Religious Studies, School of Humanities, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK URL:

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