Friday, 12 February 2010

The British Academy UK-Latin American/ Caribbean Programme

The British academy’s Latin America and the Caribbean Panel have launched the 2010 initiative. This programme awards up to £20,000 to support a programme of seminars that involve both UK and Latin American and Caribbean scholars.

The current awards will go to programmes that run a seminar programme that disseminates knowledge and furthers research on a topic of mutual interest. Each programme must include at least two seminars; one must be held in the UK the other in Latin America or the Caribbean. Scholars from a number of institutions from within all these regions need to be involved. This scheme is aimed at strengthening existing academic links between and within these regions as well as giving the chance to initiate the development of new links.

This scheme is looking to incorporate:

A knowledge and sharing element
Two to three seminar participants will give lectures, attend meetings and take part in workshops within a one or two week time scale around the seminars
This is aimed at providing opportunities for younger scholars on both sides of the Atlantic to benefit form the interaction with key international participants.

The scope of the award must cover :

Workshops and seminars and may involve both staff and postgraduate students – please note international funding will NOT be provided for postgraduate students
Main purpose of funding is to cover travel and maintenance costs.

To be eligible the programme must cover the following criteria:

Applicants must be postdoctoral or equivalent – academic staff with at least one or two years teaching/research experience
The principal applicant must be ‘ordinarily resident’ in the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands- ‘ordinarily resident’ as defined by Inland Revenue.
Both partners need to have input into the application UK and Latin America/Caribbean
Higher priority will be given to those that give a clear indication that the collaboration is based on consultation, partnership and with a future view for sustainability.

The principal applicant’s institution will need to endorse the proposal and outline briefly the resources that will be made available for the running of the workshops and resources.

Further information about these awards.

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